Mixing Ratio Calculator

Calculate the perfect mixing ratios for your liquid solutions. A great tool for chemists and cocktail enthusiasts alike.

Substance 1:
Substance 2:
Total amount: 0 = 100%
Substance Amount Percentage (%)
1st Substance    
2nd Substance    

A Mixing Ratio Calculator serves as a valuable tool for precisely determining the proportions of various components within a mixture. This versatile tool finds applications ranging from crafting the perfect beverage to calculating air moisture content and analyzing scientific chemical combinations.

It functions as a translator, converting different expressions of proportions. Whether you input weight, volume, or percentage of each component, the calculator standardizes it into a mixing ratio, often denoted as grams of component per kilogram of dry mixture.

Determining Mixing Ratio

Direct Measurement: Involves using instruments to measure each component's quantity, like weighing dry ingredients or utilizing a hygrometer to measure water vapor content.

Indirect Calculation: Utilizes known relationships between components and their properties. For instance, air mixing ratios can be calculated based on temperature, pressure, and relative humidity.

Mixing Ratio Equation

The fundamental equation for calculating mixing ratio (w) is:


This equation provides the mass of the component per kilogram of the dry mixture. It can be rearranged to solve for any variable based on available information.

Calculation Examples

Here are practical examples illustrating the utility of a mixing ratio calculator:

Cocktail Proportions: Crafting a drink with 2 parts vodka, 1 part lime juice, and 3 parts simple syrup. The calculator determines total volume and individual ingredient volumes.

Air Moisture Analysis: Studying air humidity by inputting temperature and relative humidity, yielding the mixing ratio in g/kg.

Fertilizer Mix Formulation: Creating a fertilizer blend with 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, and 70% potassium. The calculator assists in determining component weights for the desired mix.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mixing ratio expresses the proportion of a component relative to the total dry mixture, while concentration can refer to various ways of expressing the amount of a component in a solution or mixture (e.g., molarity, percentage).

The accuracy of the calculations depends on the accuracy of the input data and the assumptions made by the calculator. It's important to be aware of these limitations and use the calculator with caution.

While some recipes may provide ingredients by weight, most use volume measurements. You may need to convert the volume measurements to weight before using a mixing ratio calculator.

Most calculators allow you to choose from different units of measurement, such as grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds, milliliters, and liters.