Vapor Pressure Calculator

Determine the vapor pressure of substances accurately. A must-have tool for chemists and material scientists.

Initial Temperature:
Final Temperature:
Initial Pressure:
Final Pressure:
Molar enthalpy of vaporization:
Mole fraction:
Vapor pressure of the solvent:
Vapor pressure of the solution:

In the world of chemistry and physics, understanding vapor pressure is essential, and the Vapor Pressure Calculator becomes a valuable tool in this pursuit.

This digital device serves as a key to unlocking the mysteries behind vapor pressure, allowing scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts to delve into the behavior of substances in their gaseous states.

Determination of Vapor Pressure

The determination of vapor pressure is a meticulous process that involves various factors. Temperature, molecular weight, and intermolecular forces all play crucial roles in the equilibrium between a substance's liquid and vapor phases.

By carefully considering these elements, scientists can precisely gauge the pressure exerted by the vapor at a given temperature.

Vapor Pressure Equation

The Vapor Pressure Equation is a mathematical representation that describes the relationship between the vapor pressure of a substance and its temperature. This equation is fundamental in understanding how substances transition between their liquid and gaseous states, particularly in closed systems.

The general form of the Vapor Pressure Equation is expressed as:



Let's consider a scenario with a substance, say ethanol, which has known properties. The enthalpy of vaporization ΔHvap for ethanol is approximately 38.56 kJ/mol, and we want to calculate its vapor pressure at a temperature of 50°C

Step 1: Convert Temperature to Kelvin

T(K)=50°C+273.15 =323.15K

Step 2: Plug Values into the Equation

P=e38.56kJ/mol(8.314 J/mol·K)(323.15K)


Step 3: Calculate the Final Value


So at 50°C, the vapor pressure of ethanol would be approximately 0.827 times the atmospheric pressure.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, vapor pressure is not confined to the controlled environments of scientific laboratories. It is a phenomenon that occurs naturally and is present in various settings beyond the scientific realm.

Whether you're boiling water in your kitchen or witnessing the evaporation of fuel in your car, vapor pressure is encountered in everyday activities.

Vapor pressure plays a crucial role in atmospheric processes, significantly influencing weather patterns and environmental conditions.

Understanding the interplay between vapor pressure and the environment is essential for predicting changes in atmospheric conditions, contributing to our understanding of climate and weather systems.

Absolutely. The principles governing vapor pressure are universal and apply to a wide range of gases and volatile substances.

Whether it's a common gas or a more complex chemical compound, the behavior of substances in their gaseous state can be understood and predicted through vapor pressure calculations.

Vapor pressure plays a direct role in shaping the conditions under which chemical reactions occur. It affects the rates at which reactions take place and influences the outcomes of these reactions.

Scientists and chemists carefully consider vapor pressure when designing experiments to ensure optimal conditions for reactions to proceed.